Heaven. What is it? Where is it? Does it exist? What is it like there? These are all very intriguing questions, but what purpose to they serve when we can never have a definitive answer to any of them. By definition, it exists (if it exists at all) beyond our lives, after our death. And once we have died, and I mean really died, not some "near death experience" we aren't coming back to tell everyone what we found. So, why all the talk about heaven?
Mostly, heaven serves the purpose of giving us hope for something beyond this life, it is there to give us something to look forward to, something to make us feel less dreadful of death. We need not fear death if after death there is heaven, goes the story. So, we are taught to be good little boys and girls so that we will be accepted into heaven, but cannot commit suicide to get there sooner, or we will go to the other place... hell. Of course Hell has to exist to keep everyone in line. To control the masses.
But lets be real. Nobody knows anything about this place called heaven so what are we really aspiring to? For all we know, and what I believe, is that once we die, we are gone. Period. No city in the clouds, no God welcoming us to the afterlife... just nothingness. And not a nothingness that we experience through eternity, but simply... gone. I equate it to what we experience during periods of deep sleep when we are not dreaming. We are not conscious, we have no memory of this time, we have no visualizations, no sounds, no thoughts, nothing. That is death.
Anybody have any proof to the contrary?